Distribution of DBC with a coefficient of 4.5 among the existing DBC holders is complete.
Every DBC holder who submitted the form and specified their BOUNTY multisig wallet address in it was credited with DBC in an amount of 4.5 times the DBC amount in their wallets.
The distribution of DBC among CENTUS holders begins today.
Amount of DBC that will be accrued equals to a CENTUS amount on holder’s wallet x 2 (DBC are not credited on CENTUS on BOUNTY multisig-wallets).
The issued DBC will be accrued to BOUNTY multisig wallets. Therefore, all CENTUS holders need to fill out and submit a form specifying the wallet which they hold CENTUS in and amount of CENTUS on it, as well as their BOUNTY multisig wallet address to be credited.
Accruals will be carried out within a month after the publication of this news.
After the specified period, applications will not be accepted.
Good luck to everyone, get seigniorage, invite your friends and earn even more!👍