Dear participants!
We inform you that due to the transition to a new software platform, from November 27, CENTUS purchases on the centus.one website using cards are processed by the app.centus.one software, therefore bonuses for purchases on both sites are credited in BONUS tokens immediately upon purchase and can be exchanged for CENTUS one month after purchase.
Bonuses for the purchase of junior partners to their senior partners on the centus.one website are credited, as before, in CENTUS tokens to deposit wallets until the full transition to the new platform, on the app.centus.one website — in BONUS tokens to your main wallets.
To participants actively trading on the exchange and their senior partners, purchase bonuses for any purchase are credited in BONUS tokens with the possibility of exchanging them for CENTUS, provided that the purchased CENTUS are hold on their stellar wallets for a month.
This is a necessary measure. Unfortunately, we cannot programmatically separate fair trading operations on the exchange from unscrupulous strategies in which members buy CENTUS, then sell them for XLM, transfer to centralized exchanges, exchange for fiat or cryptocurrency and buy CENTUS again and even create additional accounts on the site app.centus.one with different credentials for the sole purpose of boosting bonuses.
At this stage, the described strategies have placed additional financial burden on the project, and can also lead to violation of the project rules and legislative norms of individual countries, therefore we do not encourage them and reserve the right to restrict, suspend or even completely deny such participants access to our services.
Good luck to all of us!