For the attention of the participants who bought the old CENTUS and USD after the blockchain snapshot (16:45 UTC on March 9)

Every participant who unintentionally bought old CENTUS or USD tokens for XLM on Stellar DEX after a blockchain snapshot was taken (16:45 UTC on March 9) have to fill out the form at
In the form you need to specify:
- Name
- Email
- Telegram nickname (@ …)
- Stellar address from which the purchase was made
- Date and exact time
- Amount of XLM you spent
- Amount of CENTUS / USD you bought
- Hash of each transaction showing the purchase price of CENTUS or USD in XLM
After checking, CENTUS and USD you bought will be credited to your security deposit wallets, n case the purchase price was +/- 5% of the average price on March 9.
Other participants will be credited with new tokens at the average rate as of March 9 after checking the amount of XLM spent on the purchase of CENTUS and USD, regardless of the price at which the old tokens were purchased.
New tokens will be sent to the address’s bounty deposit with 5% withdrawal monthly to the security wallet in full.
The other purchases made during March 10 will be carefully checked. For each purchase a decision will be made based on the results of the check.
Compensation in such cases is not guaranteed, because many participants deliberately bought old tokens, despite repeated requests from the administration to stop trading, that is, not knowing the news does not give the right to guaranteed compensation.
All purchases made after March 10 will not be accepted for consideration!
The first task of the CENTUS team is to reimburse the losses of participants who made purchases at the time of force majeure!
We kindly ask you to treat this news with understanding and responsibility!
Best regards, CENTUS team!🤝