Old DBC and BINC tokens are available for exchange to QADSAN token-shares now.
You can exchange your existing old tokens at a 1:1 rate to the token-shares of your choice.
To exchange, you need to fill out the form https://forms.gle/3fAeqV8ZFk2m1Ubb7 and send your old DBC and BINC tokens to Stellar address GB3VL5FHSKPLHG7PW34ANUM6OGVPBCJABMD6TM3B57NIS77X2OEPO6GD
❗️❗️❗️When sending old tokens to a MEMO, be sure to indicate your Telegram ID, all transactions specified without a MEMO with your Telegram ID will not be considered!❗️❗️❗️
The term of the exchange is 10 days after the release of the news, until 07/25/2021 inclusive.
The purchase and sale of QADSAN token shares at official prices will begin after the official launch of the project, before that, test transactions are possible.
Please be careful, do not take part in test trades, you can both get high income and lose all bets.
For more about QADSAN please visit QADSAN.COM
Good luck everyone!✌️