CENTUS Stable Cent 3.0

3 min readNov 30, 2021


From the moment the news was published, the updated CENTUS Stable Cent (version 3.0) with Revocable and Clawback functions is officially launched.

Asset code: CENTUS
Friendly name: Stable Cent
Total supply: 100,000,000
Home domain: centus.one

These functions allow the issuer, that is, CENTUS, to automatically revoke issued tokens from other accounts (Stellar addresses) and withdraw them from circulation in case of excessive volatility by burning. Holders automatically receive BILLEX short-term bills of exchange with subsequent redemption after re-pegging to the US dollar.

Thanks to this, the updated CENTUS will be able to avoid possible exchange rate fluctuations in the future and will have a stable value in all situations.

In addition, it allows you to ensure the security and control of the asset, for example, in the event of a hacked member’s wallet.

The technical details of the exchange procedure will be published shortly in the White Paper of the project.


1. CENTUS holders receive seigniorage and basic income every Tuesday and Friday.

2. The seigniorage and basic income rates are set by the DBC holders by voting once a month.

3. In the near future, the DBC holders must determine how many votes are required for voting.

4. Only DBC stored on the participant’s multisig address can vote.

5. The minimum number of tokens for voting is determined by the DBC holders.

6. Before voting, the accrual will take place at the current rate.

7. Voting participants receive a reward in CENTUS tokens, the amount of reward is determined by the DBC holders.

8. Seigniorage and basic income are paid in CENTUS tokens.

9. All current terms and conditions related to old CENTUS and STABLECENT, such as bounty, bonuses, affiliate program and others, apply to the updated CENTUS.

10. The affiliate program for purchases from the moment the news was released is: 10% for the 1st level and 2% for the 2nd level.

11. The Bonus-invite program works unchanged and is accrued on time.

12. You can always buy and sell CENTUS without any problems on the website https://centus.one/ or Stellar DEX.

13. Seigniorage and basic income are not accrued to STABLECENT tokens from 30.11.2011.

14. STABLECENT from regular addresses will be exchanged to CENTUS tokens.
Detailed conditions and exchange procedure will be published shortly.

15. First of all, STABLECENT will be exchanged, backed by WARRANT tokens, accrued upon their purchase.

16. STABLECENT from the security addresses will also be exchanged to updated CENTUS after the end of the exchange from all regular addresses.

17. STABLECENT with security and bounty addresses can be used to buy token-shares of the QADSAN partner project. Detailed terms and conditions will be published at a later date.

18. For the first 100 new CENTUS holders, special CENTUS NFT tokens will be issued, as well as a special gold plated coin with a unique number to participate in monthly lotteries and increased seignorage.
Details about CENTUS NFT tokens and the coin are coming soon.

19. STABLECENT from bounty addresses will be converted to CENTUS very soon. Terms and amounts of withdrawal will be announced shortly.

20. CENTUS not converted to BILLEX will be exchanged to new CENTUS after the end of the redemption of the current BILLEX.

21. In the near future, CENTUS and DBC will be issued on Binance Smart Chain (BSC).

22. CENTUS is finally switching to a decentralized model, all the main activities of the project, including the issue of new tokens, will be decided by the project community — the DBC tokens holders by voting.
Other legal entities and individuals participating in the project do so on a voluntary basis.

We thank all CENTUS participants for their patience and support, we hope for fruitful cooperation! 🤝✌️

*It was decided by a vote of DBC holders to set affiliate program payments at 5% for Level 1 and 1% for Level 2.



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