From the moment the news is released, the updated CENTUS Bounty program has been launched.
The withdrawal of earned funds from Bounty wallets is tied to the STABLECENT market cap, the withdrawal of funds will begin after reaching the capitalization of 500 million STABLECENT (5 million USD) to your regular Stellar wallet:*
500 million STABLECENT — 10%
600 million STABLECENT — 15%
700 million STABLECENT — 20%
800 million STABLECENT — 25%
900 million STABLECENT — 30%
Please don’t forget to open a trustline for the STABLECENT token.
For the entire period, seigniorage is accrued to your Bounty wallets 2 times a week.
Only 1 social network account can participate in the CENTUS bounty program. One person — one social media account.
2. 2. Repost our news in your social networks (repost + like + comment)
- Every day you can do only 1 repost from our groups in your social networks, one repost for each news. The second repost of the same news is not paid. If there is no old news and you have already reposted everything, please do not post any more. Wait for the following news to appear.
- You need to make a repost, not a regular post with a copy of the pasting text from our groups;
- Your social media profiles should be public (open to everyone), your friends list should also be available to everyone;
- Reposts must be done through the “Share in the news feed” button;
- It is necessary to include the original publication, if it is in the post;
- For the first 2 months before 07/20/2021, news reposts are paid no later than 90 days after the publication date, until 08/20/2021, no later than 60 days, after that, reposts are paid only no later than 30 days from the news publication date.
3. Publish your posts with screenshots of seigniorage accruals on your social networks. Screenshots published no later than 5 days after payment are paid. Each screenshot is paid only once!
If you have a lot of seigniorage accrues, we pay for only one screenshot and only once. Posts with screenshots no more than 2 times a week. Screenshots of accrues from the faucet on the centus.fund and accrues for 5 USD are not paid.
Your personal posts with an affiliate link without a screenshot are not paid.
4. Make a comments with screenshots of your seigniorage under our news about the accrual of seigniorage on the social network. For example, if our news about the accrual of seigniorage is published on May 15, you need to make a comment with your screenshot of the accrual from May 15. Only one comment with a screenshot is paid for!
If you have a lot of seigniorage accrues, only one screenshot is paid for and only once, no more than 2 times a week. Screenshots of charges from the faucet on the deposit site centus.fund and charges for 5 USD are not paid.
5. Write a comment under the post in our group https://www.facebook.com/groups/stablecent, like it, take a screenshot of your comment and send it to CENTUS main chat https://t.me/stablecent_chat.
6. Write a comment under the video and like it on our YouTube channel, then repost it in your social network. The report should contain a link that you shared our video in your social network and a link to your comment on YouTube.
You need to share the video in social networks using the “Share” button on YouTube next to the video. Only one comment is paid for once under the video.
7. Write a comment under our news and “clap” in CENTUS Medium and get 20 BONUS per comment (no need to share in social networks).
In the chat, you must drop a link to your comment. Comment under our article only once. The second comment is not paid.
8. Awards for: CENTUS Telegram avatars, avatars and covers in your social media 20 BONUS
(Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, VK).
You must have more than 50 friends in your social network.
To receive payments, you need to connect @PapayaBot. To connect a bot, just click on the /start button in the bot
Link reports need to be dropped into our general Telegram group https://t.me/stablecent_chat.
If you have:
• from 50 to 99 friends, you will receive 10 BONUS for repost
• from 100 to 199 friends — 20 BONUS for repost
• from 200 to 1000 friends — 50 BONUS for repost
• more than 1000 friends — 75 BONUS for repost
If you have less than 50 friends in your social network, please do not send any links.
Subscribe to our groups and start earning!
If you do not have 50 friends, please do not send links to the chat. These reposts are not paid.
Your link in your social media account must remain for at least 14 days.
In case of violation of this rule: BAN forever.
Checking reports up to 14 days.
The exchange of BONUS for STABLECENT for reposts is changed via CENTUS chat.
To exchange, you need to collect at least 2000 BONUS. We recommend collecting BONUS tokens at @PapayaBot wallet for not to be confused with other BONUS.
If you have collected more than 2000 BONUS, first send it from @PapayaBot to your regular Stellar wallet (not multisig).
You need to create a new multisig address!
Our bounty signatures:
1. Send the amount of BONUS tokens you want to exchange to our Bounty wallet GB4HYGFTS2LQSILVUPGODUPBI3FGV6NTR5L7GSU5ZSMEWX2WOIIWTLOY
2. Send a message to the CENTUS chat in the format:
#BONUS/STABLECENT for reposts, amount and your multisig wallet.
3. Send to the CENTUS chat a screenshot that you have sent BONUS tokens to our address.
Our admin will check and send you STABLECENT tokens to your Bounty wallet.
Good luck to everyone and thank you for being with us! 🤝
*In some cases, as part of the marketing program, early withdrawals are possible.