14/12/2020 BILLEX issued on 12/14/2019 expire

1 min readDec 11, 2020

On 14/12/2020, BILLEX issued on 12/14/2019 expire.

The bulk of BILLEX was repaid during the first quarter of 2020, however, some participants have a certain number of bills of exchange purchased through the exchange on their addresses.

To repay them and receive CENTUS, you must send the entire amount of BILLEX to the Stellar-address GBCS7Y66CMSX4EVINIIKQEB36JB5FWW3AWLZG2V2WLWJIYYPCCRV4BG5 no later than the date mentioned above, after that CENTUS will be sent to the sender’s address at a rate 1:1.

In addition, if you have BILLEX1 received for DBC on your addresses, please send them to the Stellar address: GDNR7HEUM7J5ZN7WFFUTTGXDY7I56RANCSHDHDVW34KUF4GFU2RZMYB5 and get the corresponding amount of DBC

After 14/12/2020, the repayment of the indicated BILLEX series will be impossible!

Links to auction results:




Good Luck to All!✌️

